From an inexhaustible fantasy, Tom Van Der Borght (1978), in total freedom, creates attributes as a sculptor, using clothing as a canvas. All that still counts and appeals to us is the 'image' that the artist creates and with which he enters into a dialogue or discussion with the viewer. Does it touch us, does it interrogate us? “ALL ABOUT ME” reflects the artist's quest for a new path, getting rid of ballast, exposing himself to us, without hesitation or shame. In this we find one of the many characteristics of the artist's attitude, in addition to showing courage and daring, also a vulnerability. With this exhibition Tom also wants to say goodbye to part of his creative and personal past. By giving a 'different' purpose to that past as a clothing designer, he therefore leaves out any image of the human body or model. Thanks to his pure attitude, Tom was born as an artist and will always remain an artist. It was an exhibition curated by Gerard Van Tendeloo at Buda/Bubox Kortrijk, Belgium.